New modules have been added to the planning for flood risk e-learning hub
Flood risk is one of the most critical issues that planners must grapple with in order to make sure development is safe, sustainable, and resilient to climate change. However, applying flood risk considerations in practice can be difficult.
Last year, the Environment Agency teamed up with the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) to develop a suite of online training resources aimed at planners and flood risk professionals working in the public sector. These focused on managing flood risk through the development management process.
New modules have now been added to the flood risk training online resources, covering issues including:
- applying the sequential and exception tests for plan preparation,
- strategic flood risk assessments and flood risk evidence for plan making, and
- a series of video tutorials to address technical flood risk aspects of development management.
The courses are designed to develop knowledge and understanding of the key principles underlining planning for flood risk, and the application of national policy and guidance.
The courses are interactive, free of charge, can be completed at your own pace. Time spent on these courses can be used to contribute to CPD requirements for professional memberships. They are all available from an e-learning hub developed by the TCPA.
Register now to access these courses here:
Further information for planners, flood risk practitioners and other stakeholders engaged in planning for flood resilience in England
The Environment Agency is currently in the process of publishing updates to National Flood Risk Assessment (NaFRA2) and the National Coastal Erosion Risk Map (NCERM) data. The TCPA, in partnership with the Environment Agency, has provided tools and resources for practitioners to understand and use new information about flood and coastal erosion risk: New national flood and coastal erosion risk information.