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Rural expressions of 20-minute neighbourhoods

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29th June, 2023 : 10:00 am 12:30 pm


20-Minute Neighbourhoods – Webinar 6

In rural areas the implementation of 20-minute neighbourhoods, or complete, compact and connected communities poses a different set of challenges from those typical in urban areas. Rural communities can suffer from poorer digital connectivity, inferior public transport provision and road, cycling and walking infrastructure, and limited access to a variety of employment opportunities. Housing quality and affordability, and isolation from and access to various services can also be issues which impact on rural communitiesโ€™ health and wellbeing.

But there are also opportunities for innovative, collaborative delivery of services and infrastructure to support vibrant rural communities in ways that support social cohesion and reduce health inequalities.

We are pleased to announce that Prof Carlos Moreno, creator of the 15-minute city concept, will give an opening keynote talk exploring how the principles behind 15-minute cities and 20-minute neighbourhoods can be applied in the countryside.

This webinar will also explore:

  • creating connections and networks between villages to increase safe, enjoyable routes to services and facilities;
  • quiet lanes and better sharing of road space between vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders; and
  • innovative ways to build health and wealth in rural places.

Full agenda

10:00Welcome and introductionJulia Thrift, Director Healthier Place-making, TCPA
10:05Keynote talk: Can โ€˜happy proximitiesโ€™ be created in the countryside? Prof Carlos Moreno, Scientific Director of the Chair “Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation”, Sorbonne University-IAE Paris
10:30Connecting villages around and through the Blenheim Estate – working in partnership for sustainable rural communitiesSarah Featherstone and Judith Sykes, VeloCity
10:50Quiet lanes and lower speed environments – ideas and examples for supporting and promoting rural active travelWill Haynes, Sustrans
11:25Community businesses and co-location in rural areas – the value of localAlison Macklin, Plunkett Foundation
11:45Linking local people with local carers – a micro-provider scheme in rural SomersetDavid Patterson, Wivey Cares
12:20Closing remarksJulia Thrift, TCPA

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