‘Mark Three’ New Town – Designated 26 April 1968
Initially designated with twin aims of accommodating Manchester overspill and revitalising industrial areas, Warrington’s purpose soon became to provide a natural growth point for North West England. Warrington has evolved from a medium-sized industrial town to the home of major national and international companies, attracting workers from across the region. Following a period of constrained growth, the town is undertaking an ambitious economic growth and regeneration programme which seeks to regenerate the town centre and harness the town’s natural locational advantage for major economic growth. A public-private sector partnership has been established to drive growth forward. Warrington is now nationally recognised as one of the most successful economic growth centres outside London.
Key facts:
- Location: 27 kilometres south west of Manchester, 26 kilometres east of Liverpool.
- 2011 Census population: 171,840, in 73,411 households.
- Local authority: Warrington Borough Council.
- Local Plan status: Local Plan Core Strategy (adopted 2014).
New Town designation:
- Designated: 26 April 1968.
- Designated area: 7,535 hectares.
- Intended population: 210,000 (population at designation: 124,000).
- Development Corporation: Aimed to provide a wide range of opportunity and choice, make Warrington an attractive place in which to live and work, facilitate growth and change, and employ a rational use of resources in four district centres and a town centre. Development Corporation wound up 30 September 1989.
Figures taken from Warrington ‘5 minute’ fact sheet – TCPA New Towns and Garden Cities, Lessons for Tomorrow research, available here.
Council website:
Information about regeneration:
Local museums and archives:
Warrington Museum and Art Gallery:
Cheshire Archives & Local Studies:
Research blog on Warrington, Days of the New Town:
Photo Credits: Warrington Borough Council