New national flood and coastal erosion risk information 

In partnership with the Environment Agency

This page hosts materials for developers and FRA consultants about the Environment Agency’s new flood and coastal erosion risk data.

The Environment Agency is currently in the process of publishing updates to National Flood Risk Assessment (NaFRA2) and the National Coastal Erosion Risk Map (NCERM) data. These tools provide essential information for planners, and resources on this page are provided to help practitioners understand and use new information about flood and coastal erosion risk.  

LPA and LLFA staff interested in the role of the new data for development planning, should access Development planning (including Flood Map for Planning) instead. To request access please complete this form.

On this page you will find:

  1. Update to include NaFRA2 data video
  2. Downloadable diagram explaining the suitability of the Environment Agency’s new flood risk products for development planning
  3. New NaFRA briefing note for developers
  4. Summary video of the changes to the Environment Agency flood risk data and its Flood Map for Planning service
  5. Introduction to New NaFRA and NCERM slides
  6. Accessible version – Introduction to New NaFRA and NCERM slides with notes
  7. E-learning courses


1. Update to include NaFRA2 data

Watch this brief video (2:34 mins) to get a brief overview on what the new updated Flood Map for Planning service will include. 

Please note -This video was generated with the assistance of AI technology. The final content has been reviewed by a human to ensure accuracy and relevance

2. A diagram explaining the suitability of the Environment Agency’s new flood risk products for development planning

3. New NaFRA briefing note for developers

4. Summary video of the changes to the Environment Agency flood risk data and its Flood Map for Planning service

This 30-minute video prepared by the Environment Agency provides developers and flood risk consultants essential information required to understand the changes scheduled on 25 March 2025 to the Flood Map for Planning service and associated flood risk data.  

To watch the video, please follow this link: Introduction to New NAFRA and NCERM

5. Introduction to New NaFRA and NCERM slides

6. Accessible version – Introduction to New NaFRA and NCERM slides with notes

7. E-learning

The TCPA and the Environment Agency have developed a series of e-learning modules covering key policy and implementation topics around planning for flood risk in England. All resources are available here: