Practical Hope launch event webinar

This webinar launched the TCPA’s new resource, Practical Hope: Inspiration for Community Action, which seeks to showcase and champion the practical ways in which people, places, and the environment can thrive. 

We’ve put together a range of case studies that highlight how community groups are working to make positive change in their local area, from community food growing and energy production to retrofitting for climate change.

Welcome and introduction to the Practical Hope resource  
Hugh Ellis, Director of Policy, TCPA
Keynote Speaker: Sarah Forsey, Senior Project Manager, Citizens UK 
Case Study One: Civic Square, Birmingham  
Charlie Edmonds, Mission Co-lead for Neighbourhood Transitions, Civic Square (video)
Case Study Two: Transition Town Totnes 
Guy Erlacher-Downing, Coordinator, Transition Town Totnes 
Case Study Three: Incredible Edible Leeds
Dan Robinson, Executive Director, Incredible Edible Leeds