We are delighted that this year’s lecture was given by the co-founder of the Incredible Edible movement, Pam Warhurst CBE. Incredible Edible, an initiative begun in Northern England, is dedicated to growing food locally by planting on unused land throughout the community, what Pam calls ‘propaganda planting’. An activist and advisor for over 40 years, Pam has been involved in local politics and national policy as the Chair of the Board of the Forestry Commission, which advises on and implements forestry policy in Great Britain. Today, Pam chairs the Incredible Edible Network, supporting and amplifying the work of groups around the UK.
Sir Frederic J. Osborn, in whose memory this event was held, is a key figure in the Town & Country Planning Association’s history. He campaigned more than half a century ago for pioneering public-sector New Towns complemented by greener, better cities. A true believer in sustainable development he talked of co-operative solutions, of sharing risk between the public and private sectors, and of restoring faith in the social and environmental, as much as the financial, credentials of development.