The Art of Building a Garden City: Designing new communities for the 21st Century
£40.00 (inc VAT)
The concept of the Garden City is perhaps the most radical and relevant legacy of British town planning and the utopian tradition. Its pioneers aspired to provide a blend of environmental sustainability, social inclusion and steely economics; a new kind of mutualised community with the highest standards of design accessible to all and profits of rising land values shared for the benefit of everyone. With the nation now facing an acute housing crisis, these principles are more relevant than ever.
The Art of Building a Garden City traces the extraordinary journey of the Garden City movement from its utopian origins to the delivery of a new generation of communities for the 21st century. Drawing on lessons from the first Garden Cities, the new towns programme, and other large-scale developments, it identifies the approach that needs to be taken in order to deliver the highest standards of design and placemaking today. This book is essential reading for anyone involved in planning, designing or delivering new, Garden City-inspired communities at a range of scales.
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