20-Minute Neighbourhoods: a special issue of the TCPA journal

Chris Boardman – the former Olympic cyclist who now chairs Sport England and Active Travel England – is one of more than a dozen people who have written about 20-minute neighbourhoods in the May-June 2023 issue of Town & Country Planning. As part of the TCPA’s ongoing work to understand and promote the many benefits of 20-minute neighbourhoods, we have made this issue of the journal free for non-members to download (below). To find out more about our work on 20-minute neighbourhoods and access free publications and webinars click here.

If you would like to support the TCPA and access every issue of the Town and Country Planning Journal, then please consider becoming a member and join the Town and Country Planning Association.

If you would like to get in touch with us about 20-minute neighbourhoods or healthy place-making then please contact Gemma Hyde – gemma.hyde@tcpa.org.uk

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