The 20-minute neighbourhood

Around the world there is growing interest in creating places in which most of people’s daily needs can be met within a short walk or cycle.

The benefits of this approach are multiple: people become more active, improving their mental and physical health; traffic is reduced, and air quality improved; local shops and businesses thrive; and people see more of their neighbours, strengthening community bonds.


Please contact Gemma Hyde for further information.

The idea of ’20 minute neighbourhoods’ – sometimes called by other names, such as ’15 minute cities’ – has been gaining momentum for several years and is already being implemented in places such as Melbourne and Paris. Interest in the idea has grown as the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns put a spotlight on the importance of the liveability of neighbourhoods, with people spending more time locally, working at home if possible, using public green space, cycling and walking instead of using cars and connecting with neighbours.

The TCPA is working in coalition with a range of partners to learn from places abroad that have already implemented 20 minute neighbourhoods, and working with partners including Sport England, Sustrans, the Design Council, Fields in Trust, CLES and others to create resources, guides and webinars to help councils and communities introduce 20 minute neighbourhoods to their area.

20-minute neighbourhood guide

Creating Healthier, Active, Prosperous Communities: An Introduction for Council Planners in England

Case studies

There are eight ‘features’ of 20-minute neighbourhoods, and ten ‘principles for success’ that those involved in implementation should consider.

The TCPA has worked with partners to create these case studies to show how different places are bringing 20-minute neighbourhoods to life in their areas.

Webinar series

Since 2020 the TCPA have run a highly successful webinar series on 20-minute neighbourhoods. The webinars explore learning from around the world and share updates on places implementing the concept in the UK.

Journal special issue

This special issue of Town & Country Planning focuses on 20-minute neighbourhoods. As part of the TCPA’s ongoing work to understand and promote the many benefits of 20-minute neighbourhoods, we have made this issue of the journal free for non-members to read and download.


Waltham Forest’s 15-minute Neighbourhood Framework

This webinar, the fifth in the TCPA's 20-minute neighbourhoods series, explores the work of the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

Healthy Place-making

Creating Connected Places

This webinar – the fourth in a series of TCPA webinars about 20-minute neighbourhoods – explored how better connections across and between neighbourhoods can be achieved in different types of places.

Healthy Place-making

Introducing 20-Minute Neighbourhoods

The 20-minute neighbourhood or the 15-minute city? What do we mean and why does it matter now? Creating complete and compact places and in practice: strategies, plans and processes

Healthy Place-making

The 20-Minute Neighbourhood Guide

Creating Healthier, Active, Prosperous Communities: An Introduction for Council Planners in England

Healthy Place-making

Learning from Down Under

The 20-minute neighbourhood - Learning from Down Under

Healthy Place-making